10 Mar 2020 11:10

An equal world is an enabled world!
To our passionate #female coordinators and volunteers on the ground, our intelligent and determined female residents both young and old, the resilient #women of #Lesvos and #Samos and our hardworking and talented female office staff, Happy International Women’s Day!
We are so grateful to you all, the incredible women that make up our MOTG community and help to drive our mission forward. And of course, thank you to the amazing ladies who follow, promote and contribute to our mission!
This #IWD, we want to make a promise, moving forward, to do more to help empower and promote the strong and intelligent women and girls who we support and who support us. We promise we will challenge #stereotypes, fight #bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate the achievements of our MOTG women.
#iwd2020 #eachforequal #genderequality #dignityforall #internationalwomensday 

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Dear friends, colleagues and supporters, THANK YOU ALL for your concerning and heart warming messages over the past days. We had to hibernate with our team due to the surreal and unsafe situation that erupted on the island of #Lesvos, but we are ok!
Over the past week, we were witness to the most worrying days we have seen since the #refugee crisis in 2015. With Erdogan opening the Turkish borders, extremist right-wing groups attacking aid workers and the Greek coastguard shooting at crossing boats, the world was left shocked, and so were we.
As a result, we had to take extreme safety measures for our team members on the ground and luckily not one of our staff members or volunteers were attacked or harassed. It was, however, very unfortunate to learn that other fellow #NGO's and #humanitarians were not so lucky and were forced to withdraw from the island and regroup on the mainland. We appreciate that this would have been a difficult decision to make which we completely understand and respect.
We were very concerned about the security of our own staff and volunteers which lead us to our own dilemma of whether to withdraw our people from Lesvos or not.
After assessing with our team members on the ground it was very quickly clear for MOTG that: Extremism and aggression will never overcome our unifying values, we condemn hostility towards ANY human being, and we stand with all the people of Lesvos, hosting and hosted, as we believe the island needs us more than ever.
Today we are happy to announce that we have resumed part of our activities in and around Moria camp and that we will fully resume our mission with the same passion and heart that we have always had, of course, taking the security of our staff and volunteers as the number one priority. .
We could have not made it through the past week without your supportive messages, especially from the local Greek community. You kept our beliefs alive, reassured us that what we do is needed and that we all stand An equal world is an enabled world!
To our passionate #female coordinators and volunteers on the ground, our intelligent and determined female residents both young and old, the resilient #women of #Lesvos and #Samos and our hardworking and talented female office staff, Happy International Women’s Day!
We are so grateful to you all, the incredible women that make up our MOTG community and help to drive our mission forward. And of course, thank you to the amazing ladies who follow, promote and contribute to our mission!
This #IWD, we want to make a promise, moving forward, to do more to help empower and promote the strong and intelligent women and girls who we support and who support us. We promise we will challenge #stereotypes, fight #bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate the achievements of our MOTG women.
#iwd2020 #eachforequal #genderequality #dignityforall #internationalwomensday On Saturday evening, our dear friends and colleagues at @ohfcommunitycenter lost their School of Peace on #lesvos due to a fire.
We were thankful to learn that no one was hurt, but also incredibly saddened by the news. We understand that the damage and emotional impact of this tragic event is huge. This event now adds to the pressures already being felt on the island as many people, including residents, workers and volunteers, were using this center as #safe space.
We stand in #solidarity with the OHF community and hope for a quick recovery of the property.

Photo credit: @ohfcommunitycenter

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