@ladycabdriver73 @tomostaxi 

Sam at work!
Nice hi Viz :-)
Pond cleaned now time for dinner
Come on u beauty
Nice rainbow
It's going to piss down in a few hrs
How many arguments over this rank last year?

Not one tout parked and not a taxi to be seen
Hi kev hope this is the one
This is the reason the LCDC wants rickshaws banned. 

They are dangerous and unsafe, ban them now!!!

Before someone gets KILLED!!
Nice thong??!?
Its started, not content with stealing our work. 
They are now using our jet wash at GSS. 

Soon they will becoming in for breakfast!!
Take a look at this old moose on channel 954
@TaxiMash take a look, when I was in your van the boys took photos on my phone and sent them to my mum and friends. 
Heres the pic

Pie and mash is calling, next stop GSS
Here u go kath
@TootlestheTaxi @taxicabnews @simco_ 

Chemical Ali must go first!?!!?
Here's a pic of the other tout a sketch!!
@TootlestheTaxi no chemical
Other touts car,and the doorman was talking to them
Front page of this months BADGE enjoy!
@NoToMob @BailiffHunter
Camera car enforcing saville row and conduit st
New TX5 to be unveiled soon. New model will cope better with the pot holes
@leewd19 not sure but busting dan balls over it ain't going to get u anywere. The people u need to seek answer of are the people who allowed this through. 2 down on the consultees list
The Badge Front Page.

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Driving a shit tx4 round town


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