Dog Arthritis – A Quick Introduction
15 May 2018 11:35

Dog Arthritis – A Quick Introduction 

It seems that more and more dogs are suffering from ailments like dog arthritis that have been around for some years now. Some people put it down to the in breeding of some breeds whilst others attribute it to the advance veterinary care available. Either way, it is important to know a little bit about what is out there so you can help protect against it and deal with it when it comes. One of the ailments that are predominant is dog arthritis. Although some breeds are more prone to it than others, any dog can develop dog arthritis in their senior years so the introduction below should give you a good knowledgebase to work with.

Dog arthritis is common in senior dogs but it can happen at any time of your canine companion’s life. An injury could accelerate the onset of dog arthritis or a birth defect could do so and thus it is essential that you b able to recognise the signs and deal with it accordingly. In fact, arthritis occurs for the same reason that it does in humans. The bones and joints degenerate over time and cause wear and tear on the elbows, knees, ankles, shoulders, hips and so on. As such, your dog could develop arthritis in any of the above at any time. The joints begin to wear away and are unable to do their job properly, which will of course lead to pain in your dog.
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There are actually three main types of dog arthritis. The first is Osteoarthritis, which is a progressive condition that is caused by the cartilage breaking down around the joints, thus causing bones to rub together. Degenerative Joint Disease is the breakdown of the joint itself so the bones and cartilage begin to degenerate. The third is Hip Dysplasia, which is a mal formed ball and socket joint, thus the joint is not connected properly and allows the build up of calcium. This in turn affects the bones, muscle and cartilage. All are painful for your dog so get a little education about all three. Read more:

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Dog Arthritis – A Quick Introduction
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