So that's where "L" from Death Note got the letter in his name from.
This is a floppy disk compared to what we have now, haha.
All clean!
Time to wash Kafka, he knows what's coming.
This episode of Star Trek (1966) called Menagerie is pretty hilarious.
Hey an Ashton Kutcher clone, I knew they perfected the process.
Knocked my TV tray and the cup ended up like this, how lucky! Too late to be cleaning up spills.
Everyone drinking and telling stories at my Grandmothers house. Good times.
Went to Lemonade at Abbot Kinney, forgot to "Check-in" anyways いただきます!
Watching Machete~ Jessica Alba looks angry.
♬ 'Who Watches The Watchmen?' - The Prize Fighter Inferno ♪ It's a sad song but it cheers me up for some reason =P
Watching Bill Maher; don't think I've ever seen a Mayor with tattoos, kinda cool actually.
Most spoiled pup ever.
Enjoying my Magic Trackpad and OS X Lion, still need to get it set up just right though.
ライオンインストール☆なう。#ひらがなにして間に星を入れると萌えアニメになる Lion install nau.
Reading 風使い in a restaurant called Fooka (I think) #tadoku
Hanging at Little Tokyo, thanks for scaring everyone away Carmaggedon.
I said I was going to work out this morning so my dad goes ahead and turns the garage into a warzone.
Mango Jarritos is my new favorite flavor.
L'Arc~en~Ciel still rockin' after 20 years, still one of my fav bands.
Haha Yuji Kishi from Car Ranger in an ep of Gokaiger, I find that awesome. Subbed a few Car Ranger eps for the [HaroRangers]. 懐かしい!
Using a phone in a parking Garage, and I think he's 5 floors underground, impossible in America, haha.
If you haven't had warheads in a while don't eat too many, messed my mouth up.
At my Neighborhood Watch meeting.

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