Berada di sekolah. Sisa2 kejayaan #EN2012 semalam :D
@agsetyo sing iki udu gung gambare??? #Perspektif
Camera. Need a roll of film.
Cloud, may I ask you? When will you turn into drops of rain? I can't hardly wait.
"LA5ER" unyu cekali :3 #RandomPhotos
"Plantae" #RandomPhotos
Faith. #RandomPhotos
"69 tweets per day" #69 #DuniaHarusTahu
This morning's sky. Awesome as usual. #RandomPhotos
"Pepaya untuk Metika" | @metikanva -_-
Aku suka pepaya. Pepaya suka aku. Kalau kamu tak suka sama pepaya. Bukan temanku. #RandomPhotos
Nice sky. #RandomPhotos
Ini logo bendera sama nama pemainnya ketuker deh kayaknya. #anTV
Sky. #RandomPhotos
Morning Silhouette. #RandomPhotos
Test. Disuruh @fakhrulfebr untuk mengupload.
L.O.V.E - L is for the way you Look at me. #RandomPhotos
Aloe Vera. #RandomPhotos
Why should we wait for so long? Tired. #RandomPhotos
Hands All Over. #RandomPhotos
"The Journey" @cillma @fakhrulfebr @metikanva @agsetyo #Moi. #RandomPhotos
"@cillma + @fakhrulfebr" #RandomPhotos #201203 #00131
Yellow-Green. #RandomPhotos #201203 #00128
#RandomPhotos #201203 #00130

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Bagus Triyanto

Klaten, Indonesia

Nobody's perfect.


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