 #jammin2 ♬ 'Fade Away' - Craig Gray  ♪ gtaIII soundtrack
#rocken2 ♬ 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams' - Green Day ♪ #thiz mah'SHITSZxx  
♬♬ 'Wow' - Kate Bush ♪
  ♬ 'Will You Love' - Connor Desai ♪ THIS SONG GOES TO MARK HARRIS MY EX BOO  @To0nasty
 ♬ 'Unwritten' - Natasha Bedingfield ♪
  ♬ 'Tears for Fears - Pale Shelter' -  ♪
 #vibein2 ♬ 'Pacific State' - 808 State ♪
#rockenHARD2 ♬ 'Rape Me' - Nirvana ♪
#rockenHARD2 ♬ 'Rape Me' - Nirvana ♪
♬ 'Nirvanna - smells like teen spirit(1)' -  ♪
  ♬ 'Moments in Love' - The Art of Noise ♪
♬ 'It Ends Tonight' - The All-American Rejects ♪
@_ClassyRichesXx 
Im jus the radest ☻
Isnt he jus the fuynest fucking dude 
Juussz busted dwn a bowl ov HONEY SMACKZ
#rockenthesurroundsoundto  ♬ 'Will You Love' - Connor Desai ♪
Nowjamin the brib 2 ♬ ♬ 'Pacific State' - 808 State ♪
♬ ♬ 'Moments in Love' - The Art of Noise ♪ tho the houses soround sounnddd
@Matel_Sensei #yess <BOO they iz the #ish <♪
#vibein2 ♬ ♬ 'KeKe Wyatt ft. Avant - If Only You Knew' -  ♪
#nowroxcken2 ♬ 'Fade Away' - Craig Gray  ♪
#nowroxcken2 ♬ 'Dani California' - Red Hot Chili Peppers ♪

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