@FaceFarter For you x
Here are my kittens x
I was chased by a dragon!
@noogscorner Is this okay? I’m wearing pants.
@Le_Voyageur_ I did a lazy version. There are more cars.
To prove there are still good things in the world….
@brandynwiththey Well I Never!
This is how I spent my day….
Drunk dog!
@A_Bit_Too_Rude When you get to mums, here’s a bird waddling around.
@A_Bit_Too_Rude We did have a shower, but it was mostly about singing and dancing, not nipples.
Here's a better video
@A_Bit_Too_Rude I've ruined the bird. He has a bald patch. At 10 months old!
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Driving looks serious :P But certainly goat worthy.

Enjoy Billy … (I sound like Chopper!)
@A_Bit_Too_Rude I made you a present. Its an angry pussy….
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Shitty goodnight from Boston ….
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Wanna come play? I’m having a party….
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Lovers….
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Pre shower singing...
@A_Bit_Too_Rude I made new friends at the bird shop….
@A_Bit_Too_Rude Ewwww…

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