We just got our asses kicked by Rando Cardrissian in #CAH. @dpringle @jonshado @stardomseeker
Because when your head hurts this much, you want to look cool #sickday
Hahaha. Nope  RT @BuzzFeedQuiz: Can We Guess Your Age And Gender From These 10 Questions? http://t.co/9Ci2h0XAai
@bpolensky yup :(
@Sew_Lin awesome! 

Saw the attached the other day and thought of you
I'm pretty sure Agent Colson is eyeing up that banana.  Doesn't Fury feed him? Cc: @clarkgregg
This may be one of the stupidest hats I’ve seen in recent years. #smh
@geekgirldiva morning hair silly enough?

(And it’s 1:48pm here
Had a great night handing out with @bpolensky and @Lexikat76. Thanks for coming over :)
I found my own @_youhadonejob image.
Officially on the road for #VABeachGeekWk
My poem - The Dark Road #depression
My poem, The Dark Road.
Help me all wish a happy anniversary to this cute couple! @jacksvalentine @Zoidland
@MDGuzy @izzie_eve up to 3 now. Just finished mowing.
@RealHughJackman I'm very lucky to have late sleeping dogs.
Alright, haven't posted one of these in a while but it's pretty epic today. #boobies
My squinting should be greatly reduced at work. Asked for larger monitor. Got 27" screen. ALL THE BIG! So happy
@amy_geek @NerdistDotCom here's mine. Words wrap around my wrist but aren't specifically related to Firefly. :)
Used my wait time to clean out my purse. I love this purse. I'm on my 3rd one bc I love it so much. @realdealbrazil
Appropriate, for my Hagrid  :) RT @BuzzFeedQuiz: Which "Harry Potter" Character Is Your Dog? http://t.co/h7JrCaLj5y
At the Apple Store to get David's iPhone fixed. It rattles when it vibrates. They have a pull out handicap table :)
. @showmyface this made me think of you. Hee.
By far my favorite image from tonight #sunset

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Religion Bites

Harrisburg, PA

Mom, Wife, Sci-fi Geek, All-around Dork, Movie Lover, Atheist

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