Twitter. There is something weird going on with my eye. Any ideas?
I can’t help but giggle laughing at this. #homealone2
Omg. Harry. You and your goofy floppy hair.
.@Thraceadams it can be anything. It’s on a loop. Damn you Dylan.
@kanerboo @illecktrick I don’t know.
Mom giving up the end of the memorare for the #Blackhawks
Go #Blackhawks!!!! #stanleycupfinal #mynephew
First song played on the Stanley Cup speakers? Why the Dagger, of course! #Blackhawks
@kanerboo omg. For you.
Mom and E arguing teams today. #hockey #redwings #lightning
LOL. Rick Roll Deadpool #tekko
Kaner!! I love seeing his fluffy hair and his face.
@suitofarmour um. Can you hear this?
Sooooooo. What'd y'all do?
Let's just hug it out. #Blackhawks @jane_anon @kanerboo @talkativepeach @thirstingdragon
Seriously bro. You're pretty. @kanerboo @jane_anon
@kanerboo @jane_anon @thirstingdragon @talkativepeach from this video.
Omg. #kaner. You big nerd. #NHLAllStarDraft
@jane_anon aww bb. Here’s a bad recording.
Creepy hospital. Creepy Christmas music.
@_concinnity this was a thing I had done. For Sarah. But I need someone to freak with me.
Playing with Virtual DJ today for Avengers Ball. Finally fixed everything. :)

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Too much rock for one hand. Public account of cee_m Music, hockey, Joss Whedon, MCR, Teen Wolf, and many other things fan. Goes to 11.


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