Incidentally, I don't resemble my avatar. Today I are mostly looking like this:
In tribute to @zuffle what car was I a passenger in this lunchtime?
I think I'm going to have to have a fairly ruthless clear out of the garage in anticipation of house move...
@stealingsand if you use twittelator pro you can record audio into a tweet like this..
@timandmarian Tesco have had Christmas items on the shelves for a few days...
Did you know you're putting an address on Facebook?
♬ 'Let Me Live' - Queen ♪ Ah, love to sing along (quietly - I'm in the office...)
Came downstairs this morning to find that our suite had gone missing! Hope it fitted into @libbyoliver's!
♬ 'I'm Mandy, Fly Me' - 10cc ♪ // Takes me back to when I was 18 and driving my yellow Mini Clubman. *sigh*
@Splodz only two? :-P
♬ 'What Happened To Romance?' - Rebecca Poole ♪ This song is SO stuck in my head...
At the beach...
Not panicking yet but if the screen isn't a LOT brighter than this when I reboot...
Me and @zeph750 are going out to play!
PLEASE could nobody buy this. Maybe they'll go away...
Mr Chalke doing what he does best, taken earlier this morning.
Very surprised at how similar the shape of the Vauxhall Insignia and Jaguar XF are...
I was thinking about this coffee shop, near the main gate. Next door to Reds.
Christmas lights at our barbers - love it!
Two of two /
Couple of screenshots from iPhone for you / one of two
Never had this many unread emails on a phone before!
In the park with MiniG-T, MicroG-T and MiniMLJ1! hope I've made enough picnic food...

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Rob Griggs-Taylor 

West Midlands, UK

40-something God-following m'bike-riding wife-loving tech-geek.



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