Musketeers hit town! (Soldier just...there). Photo taken by third musketeer.
Here is Heinz, say 'guten tag' to him.
I went to visit my cousin :)
Monty Python have reunited (and resurrected Graham Chapman) to promote Rimbit Shim.
I've dug out an old photo of me fencing from a couple of years ago, I'm on the left.
Musketeers waiting to use cash point. An every day activity in the 18th century.
Tous pour un, un pour tous!
I fought this zombie and won.
So, here is Leeds. In fact it's the market. Which gives us the impression that Leeds looks nice.
So here is Briggate. The main street in Leeds city centre. Full of Red Cross people trying to get you to fill in surveys.
And here I am all edited to play a scary character!
Rimbit Shim.
We found this Japanese photobooth in London's Chinatown.
I found this "blues brother" in the middle of America somewhere.
Whitney's bag in Paris!
Me and Elisabeth, the first time we met (in York).
Beating Tara at a game of scabby Queen.
Jenny, Hester and I...Reunion Leicester!
Me trying to be artistic.
Oh you snowy mountains and fjords!
I found this man in a Norwegian forest. We soon became friends.
Me looking in the mirror.
Oh I was amused by the child who had drawn this amongst the aquarium-themed photos ('Rommpe' = 'Arse' in Norwegian).

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Laura Weldon

Leeds, England.

Moving to London next year to study Japanese and Linguistics. Until then I'm travelling the world for a year. I model part-time (it's crap).


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