☯this is simply the coolest stuff ever
18 Jun 2017 21:31

☯this is simply the coolest stuff ever 


Just wanted to show that cool stuff I've just found, I'm simply amazed) take a look http://bit.do/dwMCX

Kind regards, nicol waine

From: samrain.2010 [mailto:samrain.2010Mobypicture.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 2:31 PM
To: maicolwaine.it
Subject: APPA :D

Unfortunately several balance changes, involving flak and lock-ons among other things, happened after the addition of AB, and those probably took into account its presence. Not only that but the ESF update actually nerfed stock AB, as since then activating it will instantly consume a set amount of fuel, which is very noticeable when running without external tanks.

In addition, keep in mind that the entire ESF playerbase , and especially the A2G-oriented part of it, has developed their playstyle around ABs. Removing them would cause a huge amount of backlash and make A2G ESFs ineffective for a while since people will have to re-learn to play them without ABs.

Also, quite frankly, dogfighting is still more than possible without using the afterburner (at least in my experience). You won't be able to reverse or sidestrafe at 150km/h but you can still violate most laws of physics by turning around on your axis at will without falling or experiencing turbulence, which is usually enough agility to use lockon skillpods and annoy the hell out of people. What I mean is that I feel that removing ABs may hurt people not involved in the problem (A2G pilots) more than your intended targets (A2A skillpods users).

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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