#fb Evening sun, River Lea, Hackney Marshes. Lunch was too big for running so soon after...  L:51.5553,-0.0346:
Tina meets a horse properly for once.  L:51.8170,-0.5713: #fb
Autumn Ridgeway walk  L:51.8217,-0.6209: #fb
Walking on the bank of the Rhine, stark border between the industrial Ruhr and agricultural Westfalia.  L:51.4912,6.6886:
Pinch me. It's still September, right? L:51.5757,-0.0303: #fb
Am I misunderstanding this? Or is it a Times ad agency maths FAIL? How many weeks are there in their year?
 L:51.6436,0.0181: #fb
 St James Street station at dusk. Mildly atmospheric. Only mildly, mind. L:51.5741,-0.0457:
What an enormous head the BBC's Scottish political correspondent Brian Taylor has! Compare with Nick R: it's nearly twice the size!
Strauss on 50. Trott clearly superior to Bell and Colly. Cider helping me hold nerve. Wonder what they're drinking... #fb
Rainbows over Walthamstow  L:51.5741,-0.0428:
 L:51.5557,-0.1522: Perfect evening sky over Gospel Oak. Listening to Judy Collins. Sank a pint of Stella too fast. Perfect.
Not going anywhere

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