Here is me from Sunday. Hope you're having a wonderful day
Here is me from April this year
@youRthere thank you. I hope you're having a most wonderful evening (some sygnets on the Tweed)
@SherryPCMO as with all good holidays, it was over too soon. Saw a demonstration of glass blowing/crafting
@teatraveler I'm fine. It's been a glorious day today (pic is of Kelso, where the Tweed & Teviot rivers meet) how are you?
@dolbsterthepoet I'm fine. Just seen a demonstration of glass blowing/crafting
@thaleia don't know how clear this is (other camera has better shot) but here is a deer for a dear friend
@thaleia good morning to you 
Last day proper of holiday today. Had an eagle owl perch on left hand and fed some lambs. Goodnight & THANKS
@MBFARM saw a friendly face / that reminded me of you / I hope you are well
A thief makes an apearance at the picnic
@Tricharm good morning and the llama says "hi" hope you're having a great day
Thank you. The picture was taken by me on 9/9/9 at Floors Castle, Kelso. Here is part of the castle itself
@youRthere happy 9/9/9 to you too {{{hugs}}} lovely blue skies here
@thaleia meant to send this to you yesterday, a low flying rainbow
@SherryPCMO not yet, though am back in Scottish borders. Saw low rainbow today. How are you?
@libertygirl3 here is what I've been seeing over the weekend. Happy Labor day to you
@nickgatt tweeting from Keswick. The sun has made an appearance too. Happy Labor day
@Tricharm you're welcome    Here's another
@apuskiduski went to Brantwood house by steam gondola, had soup at Jumping Jenny's. Wonderful.
@thaleia just been on a boat trip across coniston water
@Tricharm wonderful although it's raining now. Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday
@youRthere good morning to you. I may be about to enter the "no service" zone. A pic of scenery :-)
At the water's edge / I feel calmness descending / and my feet are wet  #haiku

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