@PMarizzle You mean this fella? Can't see why you'd be interested in him.
@annabanana_07 And you can get a sleeping bag. #weird
@clarkgregg Had this off my daughter for Christmas. She knows he so well.
@WalkingDead_AMC My wife got this and was overjoyed to say the least. #daryl
@BabsBat You've probably already seen this. It blew my mind -
@davemorrissey64 It's a lovely view from up there too.
@shadymoto Get them these. They'll need 'em.
@undeux The eyes have it. #dayofthedoctor
@nickjfrost There you go sir. #supermanshaving
@palomino29061 Don't be fed up. Be an upside down person instead.
Ok. It's Friday. So this stands to reason.
@joners8 Looking forward to this with my pork dinner later. Thanks again fella.
@RagingBassist This kind sir -
Sad zombie.
@TomLongshaw19 Only just seen your tweet buddy. Took about 20 minutes I think. Nearly 9GB though. Playing golf on it
Whoooo!!! (after the lengthy ass install that is)  #gta5
@PaddyConsidine I've just started season 4. So so good. But can't get this out of my head. #heisenbergpug #bitch
Love this. 
Throne Of Games
@kirstylian Oh well! I'll suppose I'll take that. Was hoping it'd be more like this though
@leanneybaby Then I shall have to let them get like this before that happens
@joners8 @stuffiemoose Thank you sir. I watched it through nefarious means. And isn't this a wonderful sight.
@LadyThorley @leanneybaby Screw the pair of you. Ha ha ha! #holidaysarecoming
@SFXDaveB Thanks for the new issue of this months Gimp & Sex magazine. Can't wait to get quizzed in work about it.

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Markus Smith

Crewe, Cheshire, England

I would like to put something moving and inspirational here. But all i can think of is poopypants.


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