♬ 'There Is a Light That Never Goes Out' - Loquat ♪ wonderful!
♬ '05 This charming man' - Morrissey Live ♪
@minastefan here you go!
♬ 'The Snake' - Al Wilson ♪ the greatest song ever!
♬ 'Friday Mourning' - Morrissey ♪
♬ 'Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning' - Morrissey ♪
If this don't cheer you up nothing will x
London celebrates the end of the xfactor!
RT @thinkofmekindly RT @sumdizzywhore: Riot on the Streets of London: Protester in Smiths T shirt
♬ 'Interlude (Instrumental)' - Morrissey ♪
♬ 'The Headmaster Ritual' - The Smiths ♪
♬ 'Alma Matters' - Morrissey ♪  pissed as a fart
♬ 'Seasick, Yet Still Docked' - Morrissey ♪
Fuck it love it ♬ 'Everyday Is Like Sunday (Live At the Hollywood Bowl - 8th June 2007)' - Morrissey ♪
♬ 'The Point of It All' - Amanda Palmer ♪
♬ 'No More Lovesongs' - Lacrosse ♪ happy music
♬ 'Little Fiction' - Oh, Alchemy ♪
♬ 'There Is a Light That Never Goes Out' - Loquat ♪
♬ 'I Love You But Don't Touch Me Cos You're Sick' - Black Daniel ♪ wonderful!
♬ 'Ocean of Noise' - Arcade Fire ♪
♬ 'Jack the Ripper' - Morrissey ♪
♬ 'Everyday Is Like Sunday (Live At the Hollywood Bowl - 8th June 2007)' - Morrissey ♪
You can have some of ours, there's shit loads here!
♬ 'cemetry gates' - the smiths live ♪

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Saarf London

Drinker, smoker, vegetarian and all round miserable git


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