Goddamnit. Look what happens when I go outside.
@YuriNalarm Uh oh.....
Lana bobblehead------>
Which one do you want?
It's snugglepants time!
They want $19.99 for this. Hell, Twitter is FREE!
Suck it, "Eat, Pray, Love"!
My bedmate
As per my fb message:
@dmbdork My view, albeit a bit overcast.....
This is the tv my mom has at the condo. Note the size of the fireplace and window
Yes that's my head and yes, that's Hera, sitting in my bum. Adonis is sitting in my legs. I don't have the heart to move them
@SaraSantiago I so totally live you too! And look! You didn't totally lose at the hockey pool either! Nice drunk picks! Xo
@vojha Mission accomplished! 

Related: now I need Whatchamacallits AND Pumpkin Pancake mix! STAT!
Look at this cat
Look what I got! And apparently when you run out of room you just put the persons last letter at the front!

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Canada EH!

What you see is what you get. Sarcasm is just 1 of the services I provide. Not only am I all about defeating the purpose, I put the F.U. in fun! (o_O)!

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