19 Jul 2018 12:41

IAS Exam Preparation 

IAS exam preparation is not an easy task. Wether you are in working professional or you are doing academic studies, there is always dearth of time as far as IAS Exam preparation is concerned. As every one is aware that there are three critical stages of IAS Exam preparation. No stage is less important than other. No stage (Prelims, Mains, Interview) can be taken lightly, wether it is your first attempt in IAS Exam or second/third. Although syllabus of is each stage of IAS exam is but every Stage in IAS Exam has its own different strategy. First is the IAS Preliminary Exam Stage. Here, you have to read vast amount of topics from every area such as Geography, History, Political System, Economy of India, GK, Latest Current Affairs etc. Preparation of IAS Prelims stage takes large chunk of time as you have not only to read the syllabus but also revise and revise these in order to remember lots of factual information too. This IAS Prelims exam stage prepares the base on which you will be able to explore the other topics for IAS exam (Mains). In IAS Mains exam, it is conceived that you know every basic and normal thing about all topics, and more focus now here is on the analysis, thinking and problem solving part. You have to write such good quality of answers in very few words that show that you have ample knowledge of all important topics from all angles. This level if preparation again comes from reading but here the most part is the “WRITING OF CONTENT OR ANSWERS” that most of the IAS aspirates ignore. There is a method of writing good answers that fetch good marks even if you have meagre know-how of the topic asked in the question. Most the IAS Toppers and even those who have written mains exam say that they got very good marks in the questions which they were not aware of at all. This is due to the fact that when start writing on unknown topic, you explore it from all angles and tries to write and touch every angle related to this topic. Therefore, you fetch good marks in IAS exam (Mains). Visit https://www.bestcurrentaffairs.com/preliminary-exam/

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