I love you Scotland, but if you're going to start dressing like this, maybe independence is best
Oi Torchwood, let us in
@TeamEveMyles I've just found this outside a pub in Cardiff. Any idea where I should return it to?  @KaiKaiOwen
@TellEmSteveDave @BQQuinn Im spreading the TESD love at Cardiff Comic con
Want these. Will have these (& the DVDs, when they finally get around to releasing them)
The view from the beer garden
For @Lams9999 I've just come across this picture of upcoming Stone Roses film Spike Island.
The mighty Marillion on the cover of this months Prog magazine #abetterwayoflife
I watched the sunset here. It was better than the photo
I'm just going to sit here today & do nothing
This childs toy looks like something else. Something rude.
This is apparently a 1978 Russian poster for Star Wars. Odd.
Amusing bit from today's Guardian transfer rumours
@NathanFillion Here's a nice little review for Castle from today's Guardian (UK)
One day, red ted could just take no more
@gazev Days Inn is only £40. Don't get breakfast but I do get snow
@nathanjay @JamesJenx @gazev Creeeeewwwwwww! (bestest member not pictured)
 @the_vaselines live in Nottingham tonight. Awesome show (but your xl t shirts are tiny for a fat fuck like me)
@gazev doing his thing
Quick, we must fight/flee/save something. Let us do so by turning into...erm...rocks.
Worst thought out toy ever!
Beautiful day down in Devon. Shame I've got to work.
@nathanjay Its my profile pic. Here it is (there's no ability to make the people taller so I'm normal size)
@nathanjay I made it earlier when it was accurate. Here's my @gazev too
@JamesJenx More difficult, cos I don't know what hair and beard combo you're currently rocking.

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Craig Evans

Midlands, UK

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