Another bootiifuullll day and I am off to work yet again!
'Sian tercangkung budak nie
The day is turning beautiful. Spirits are lifting (even though I'm heading to the ofc as we spk!!)
S'one making her contoured model. I miss making it but I don't miss the long & tedious hours!
An ice cold one on a sweaty day!
30degrees.... Friday lunch :D
Testing 1 2 3 .... Say hello Furball
Just had to stop to take in the view (n to rest my arse)
Today might as well be Friday. Brain has shut down .... Hello Yak!
Checkin' out the view and testing out my app
the birthday boy & January weds
In good company, and music
N now...... Tengah tengah hari buta!!!!
like I say when we hve sun.... riak!!!
Hi Melbourne :)
The water is glistening....... feel like jumping in!!
I love days like this
In memory of .....
Even our men in blue are in on the ride :)
And so the finals finally go to the Magpies.... awesome scene
n I'm the ultimate riak Melbournian who can't stop taking pics of this beautiful day!!
This is what happens when Melb gets some sun. Riak!!!
View from me room! Clear blue skies! Now let's get ready for my hot date!!!

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Tanti Azman


Academy Award winner


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