Random #orchid #photo. It was nice, natural lighting.
@purepulse64 Hi, sunshine! For you!
The ladies are looking sharp this morning.
I see, Windows 7. That damn Mac commercial was right. Same old BSOD. Must save for a MacBook.
I have this strange urge to dress a small dog up in little outfits. I blame Luna.
Palladia is unwatchable. $100/mo to Time Warner Cable, and this is HD? Is this an FCC thing? Ridiculous. #tinyrant
Dear TIME WARNER CABLE: Could you please up the compression? I can still almost make out someone playing a guitar.
These fly strips are much more effective when you hold them like garrot wire and actively pursue those flies.
The last wildflower! Now with more bee!
My last wildflower of the year. For you.
These "Dancing Ladies" were $36 and worth every penny. #orchids #flowers
One more picture, a close-up of the Dancing Lady #orchid  #flowers.
My Lotus is badass. #forza3 #livery #paint #punisher #bear #cub
Have a good morning, punkin.
Yes, I got distracted from bagels. But how could I not have? Unconventional? Maybe, but so am I. Leaving now.
I just got Spongebob-raspberried!
I love when my pet's food has her on it. It makes life easier.
just a moment to myself
And @wolfbear913 also tells me I did a good job on hid haircut and practically topiary beard trimming. #gay #bear
Yep. It's true.
Did I mention that my electroluminescent pumpkin equalizer t-shirt. Lots of fun for $15. Halloween, please!
I picked up a couple of small tropicals. I hate when they don't identify and I can't. Still, yay for my window sill.

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