@moviegrrl @Tattooed_Mummy I cannot believe that someone already thought of this!
#foodfight Not long now!
@ThinkHero And for some reason, I was bought loads of them as presents. Think there was a sale on at Woolworths
#foodfight Hopefully in time for dinner!
#foodfight Now this looks good, if you can beat this, I will take my hat off to you
#foodfight I shouldn't be doing this before lunch! And @Tattooed_Mummy, what on earth is a butter dragon?!
@Tattooed_Mummy How about this then?
@Tattooed_Mummy Then you won't be interested in this?
@Tattooed_Mummy Had lunch yet?
These are the cakes we were shooting earlier
@mirandafox No, I'm trying to make you thirsty!
#foodfight I win! Take this choccy cupcake and get outta here!
#foodfight fancy something a little hitter!?
#foodfight This is starting to hurt my stomach now...
Fudge Packed Cake

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