At the Reds game with my dad =)
It's beautiful up here on the reservoir
It's beautiful up here on the reservoir
Getting closer...I think I should be arriving in Northwest Ohio by 5:30pm
Time to fuel up - burgers for me, fuel for Lola
It's time to play the "Out run the torrential downpour and get to work" game. Hi ho, Lola!
How bad is it in #Hancock #VT? Here's near where VT 100 meets VT 125
Here was the culprit - not something you wanna see slicing through your tire
Fuck ME!!!!!!!! A flat tire? Fuck.
Fuck ME!!!!!!!! A flat tire? Fuck.
Haha yeah yeah YEAH baby. VIP suite!!!
Haha yeah yeah YEAH baby. VIP suite!!!
This is cool as hell. Here's my view during setup for tonight's show at Airborne Speedway ☺
Setting up for the show. Love my view...☺
Which is worse - the fact that the latest Apple TV update killed our audio, or that I saw this when rebooting?
Rut ro...I'm in a newly created third line now lol #iPad #fb Where's the goal? Oh right...there
I stand corrected...That was 15-20 in the first part of the line here at Crossgates. Here is where I am lol #iPad
Man it is gorgeous down here; almost feels like spring at 45 degrees. Progress is being made #fb
Lola is fueled up; and I have the emergency Cheez-its ready to rock. Here we go
First item on my #iPad adventure...Getting there! Am I a nut to drive ~3 hours to get one? Oh yeah baby
After a full two hours of shoveling success is mine! Thanks to the guy from Rand Hill who helped plow out the end
Despite covering #Plattsburgh en masse, the snow is beautiful #fb
Snow is still comin' down fast and hard but I dig it
Wow! I wanted to pop my head outside to see how much I had to shovel...I had to force open the door!

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Rob Brennan

Plattsburgh, NY

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