Cooking tips

Fed up with fish fingers sticking to foil so pleated 

Gits from CCTV land, have put the no right turn sign back
Junc of Gordon and Euston
Taxi drivers, had enough lies and deceit from Boris. 
We backed him, now it's time to sack him
Just made this carrot cake for tea later
Getting quite good at baking but my fairy cakes burnt
Scabs at angles again
Rest in Peace Michael (Glummy) Margetson 
You will always be remembered as a gentleman.
At first glance thought this was the score

Then saw it was actually the kick off time
@FrankGreaves I stayed there last week and Mick McCarthy was sitting next to me for breakfast
Terror level raised to severe 

Silly me
When you said Absolute gets you through Fridays I thought you meant this
Not me that's wants to see another licensed taxi driver get a ticket
Better shoot
Touts have painted over taxi board in CXR
What you can only see a cab touting
You didn't see this then?

Typical of the LCDC
Your on his hit list as well
Wolves are staying in our hotel. 
 M McCarthy having breky
Were  singing  blowing bubbles 
He's not amused
It looks quite sad with all the presents gone

Need a week off to recover now
Didn't want to over do it this year so just went with the basics
Lookout for a few more followers to TLC as Kate RT' s web site :-)
Tree finally standing straight, was leaning to the left for a while.

Delia's online recipe took a week to find all the bits and pieces, 4 hours to bake and day to decorate
Just finally finished my first Christmas cake
Making the most if being snowed in
Amazing what you can make when your snowed in
Can't work out how he is doing this
Apparently he is in Malta according to 4square

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James Thomas

The City of London

London Taxi Driver who cares

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