I'm not fond of having pets, but I've seriously looked into having a petpig. Wanna watch this show tonight, interesting controversy.
That last line is sooo true. #MileyCyrus kinda is this generation's Britney Spears. Both displayed their 'age of innocence'.
From Hero to Zero. Celebrity endorsers are strong because they can fall hard. Win some, loose some. Win much, loose more…
"Inzicht prostitutie een zwart gat" (#sp!tsnieuws 01-10-10). Is dat onbedoeld grappig of was er een #copywriter aan de slag?
"Inzicht prostitutie een zwart gat" (#sp!tsnieuws 01-10-10). Is dat onbedoeld grappig of was er een #copywriter aan de slag?
"Inzicht prostitutie een zwart gat" (#sp!tsnieuws 01-10-10). Is dat onbedoeld grappig of was er een #copywriter aan de slag?
And again I meet crazy Rhoeäza and posh Elke in the train.
Talk about a huge invitation! I thought I lost it, but I didn't see it in my mailbox. How could I miss this! lol #wedding
Rotterdam thanks for lovely music & energy!
...and now Nauwshaad joined us in Danny's studio @ Rotterdam! #mahavedamusic #ohm #chatney
Enjoying the skyline from rooftop with Mahaveda Music. Loving it!
Chilling @ Danny's studio with him and Radjesh from Mahaveda Music. Rooftop centre of Rotterdam! We buildin'!
I like the box!!! Yeah, now the device will be a bonus : -p.
It looks like a bomb :-0. Something chemical. Somehow it's both true: -p.
While the result of package one is charging, let's meet package number two.
Opened up for the first time. It smells júst the same as when I first unpacked my first mobile phone!
Hahaha, read that line in the right. Sounds like a #bromance! Holding the -excusemoi- -->my MBP genuinely feels cool. Even almost cold!
Haaaaaaaaalllleeelluujah! #itsanapple
OMG, this feels kinda horny. #lol
Finally home. Now I can unpack my exciting gift to myself. It made a long trip!
Cool, I can see my Pink Wonder from my desk! That's coincidence. It's the pink car at the pole.
Thanks to @roger_dry and his falafeljokes, @hetisnaomi got this great idea for my workspace. Gotta love my colleagues @puurfct!
Arriving home, so joyful at the sight of my Pink Wonder. Finally a pic in daylight! For all those wondering: this is it/him/her.
Met the breakfast from Elke & Rhoeaza. I know the last one from presenting IMM 2010. She's sooo nosy! A real surinam lady.

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Peoplesperson with passion for all facets of communication. Concept-thinker, copywriter, singer, presenter, dancer, clother... let's connect!

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