@NoReservations I agree with Tony!
My forearms get angry at me for sitting at desks in 90degrees...
My two Singaporean babies. #fb
Bottle tree park, fishing pond paradise! #FB
Staff conference. Too many suits...
Some cleaning goop for electronics. Active schmutz removal!
Singapore IT show 2010 #2
Singapore IT show 2010 #1
Mcdonalds curry dipping sauce. Surprizingly bad. I had high hopes...
First and last Singapore mcdonalds experience. MEGA PROSPERITY!
C100, tastes just like airborne!  Gross!
Downtown Kluang
Party and new years food. Still in Malaysia.
Shandy, is it beer and lemonade or sprite, idk but its good!
Iced kachang. Not sure if I like it. Corn and beans with syruppy shaved ice?  NahI'm good.
First meal in Malaysia.
Week number one, country number two. Causeway into Malaysia
The colloseum interior. Video coming soon!
The largest LAN gaming outlet in Singapore, MW2 equipped!
Hotdog waffles, for some reason have green batter.
Kickapoo joy juice. The tenacious d flavoring gives me joy already!
Chicken rice, a Singaporean staple.
First car ride in singapore. Notice anything?

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The Urban Woodsman


This is mainly for family and friends to get a jist of what I'm doing here in Singapore. Don't mind my re-tweets and people I follow... I h


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