The Xbox corner is a popular place at #TNW2012 #TNW00t
#TNWhat? Lunch is served! #TNW2012
Getting started! A big round of applause for the internet.
No line with Barista Helen in the back
#TNWho? @uploadcinema's @dagancohen after his talk! #TNW2012
Don't miss Patrick! #tnw2012
#TNWisdom "we are alone together" @ajkeen #TNW2012
#TNWhat? Lunchtime! #TNW2012
"People use social networks differently, you cannot rely on your own experience to understand others" #TNWisdom
#TNWhat? Cosy at the TNW fireplace at the greenroom. #TNW2012
"I'm not suggesting an all or nothing approach to social media" #TNWisdom
#TNWhat? @Ajkeen by @wilg. #TNW2012
Time for pancakes! #TNW2012 #TNW00t
#TNWho? The TNW princess Sophie #TNW2012
#TNWhat? Cool stuff from @appvetica at the greenroom!
#TNWho? @Samwierema is here busy hacking! #TNW2012 #hackbattle
Talent behind @mobypicture iphone app @glnn #TNW2012 #TNWho?
Heads down devices on #TNW2012
Almost out of redbull at the hack battle! Need more energy! #THWhat?
What's the real value of social? #TNW2012
Hackbattle: @byreynaldo #TNWho #TNW2012
The bar! #TNW2012
#TNWho? @j3nt3 & @DonnyWals are developing awesome stuff! #tnwhackbattle #TNW2012

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