@TokyoDan Forgot the picture of the TuneJuice that I'm selling. Why am I selling? Bought a more expensive charger
At Benke, the best izakaya in Tachikawa.  http://moby.to/7q2s7y
At Benke, the best izakaya in Tachikawa.   http://moby.to/89g8fy
Talk about BALLS. Demo of Shaolin Iron Crotch. Not good sending this but couldn't resist. http://j.mp/iUrlb
Thank You Amazon JP for making my hosipatal stay enjoyable. Juarray my home and my wife brought it to me today.
The view from the roof parking  lot of Iruma Costco:
I thought people in Saitama were bumpkins without taste...
Our next door neighbor just brought is the biggest grapes I've ever seen. Momotaro Budou from Okayama pref. (1, 10, 500 Yen coins from right to left.)
That old lady pushing her cart so she won't fall over did more laps around the park than I could.
@mopedronin @richpav Hospital. But mostly recovered. Pancreas. They put me in the same day I came to the clinic with cold sweats & stomach pain. This place is a dump. Gonna take some pics to share bef
My first meal since last Thursday's lunch (1 week)
Crowded Yokota AFB on suNday: GPS location: http://bit.ly/uWzKk
d TokyoDan test GPS location: http://bit.ly/6FpW0
d iontokyo  GPS location: http://bit.ly/9rRgk
d iontokyo  GPS location: http://bit.ly/9rRgk
@japansoc The best Yakitori I've ever had is in Shibuya right across the street from the back Inokashira station entrance. But with sushi prices.
Safe Driving (Seven TV screens in one car). video:
Pollo ポヨ Kichijoji stand-bar that specializes in roast chicken  GPS location: http://bit.ly/129PDQ
OK. One more try. Rotisserie chicken joint (Pollo) in Kichijoji. Short, sweet & To the point video:

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39-year resident of Japan and podfader: I used to produce What's Happening In Tokyo podcast at http://www.whitokyo.info

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