Learn a little bit about a lot. (How Engineers can become T-shaped people) #sus2011
Drew Houston, Dropbox founder, on stage at #sus2011 Starts with coding in your boxers....
RonCon's collage of defining entrepreneurs. Never forget that reputation's yr most important asset. Think Big! #sus2011
RonCon: the Michael Jordan of investors! #sus2011
Max Levchin - Paypal / Slide cofounder -- on stage now at #sus2011
Palantir: help govt combat terrorism while protecting civil liberties (not a social photo sharing platform!) #sus2011
Zuck up on stage at #startupschool. Feedback: take it, don't take it, try out your ideas!
George legrady on media arts and technology: how art connects technology with magic #tedxsv
@sinanaral talks social contagion, refs cool twitter map showing spread of bin laden death news. #tedxsv
Mitch kapor, hero! #tedxsv
Getting ready for #tedxsv hosted by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation: living by numbers. Super cool!
@superwuster holding court at #stanfordlaw on innovation and the Master Switch.
@Elad thx for a great talk, fantastic insights and pro tips on startup strategy, teams, investors &more #ebootcamp
@Elad shows us the startup anxiety graph! #ebootcamp
Arpan Shah presents PrintEco, optimizing printing to save $$ and the planet, awesome! #ebootcamp
Wendi presents Neuvo: MIT geniuses bringing solutions to large scale EM logistical challenges #ebootcamp
Margaret Ann-seger ready to present Spot, giving physical locations a digital memory #ebootcamp
Easy, engaging, effective: location based mobile surveys: Amanda presenting Surveylicious! #ebootcamp
#ebootcamp Eitan presents Didactica to the panel, live q&a with experts
#ebootcamp final presentations! TJ presenting crowdstory to the panel: audio tied to locations

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Tony K. Lai

Stanford, CA

tech lawyer & entrepreneur, co-founder of lawgives.org, researcher at CodeX, grad student on the stanford law science & technology program.

web lawgives.org


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