In honor of this glorious holiday, I’m eating something orange
Go home iTunes, you’re drunk.
What’s he building in there?
Chopping sacred trees or something.
We are specialist in the…
Wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but..
Yo! @JapanToday Please sort out your header on iOS. Same crap on phone/iPad.
@jlandkev @thetaste1962 Can’t forget about this destroyer of youth!
Still waiting...
Looking for a new pair of shoes. Completely confused for a second then realized I stumbled into Rakuten English Zone™
Brass band rocking out during the club parade #体育祭
Cut my finger during the rope pull. Lovely nursing ladies fixed me up. =)
Yup, heard my first 「寒いわ〜」today.. Gonna be a long few months
I try endlessly to negotiate price with this older Korean woman for food. I always loose. Still, she makes good nosh.
Today's morning hike: Kobe from above
Just got a phone book in the post. How weird is that?
Mornin' docomo jokers! #iPhone5silly
Workers check the damage to a KEPCO transfer station in Kobe. #typhoon
Park lookin' good. 

★And the sun is coming out★
Makes a plate! Who knew...
Someone went and changed the sign for Kobe's red light district. Still says "Fukuhara" on top.
Sad little Typhoon #16. Just did a loop and topped itself.
What is this shit? I just want me some Cher!
@LKP48 passed

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