My new Korat kitten Feste resting after a hard-won victory over the evil and possibly possessed toilet paper, and the demonic shower curtain.
Korat kitty Feste inspects Ethernet cable in his new home and finds it wanting! Feste cares about packet loss!!
@cheesivore this is the audio!
@txvoodoo @Ruthanng @Imzadi44@mbranesf @emokidsloveme Always think Bill says this but he doesn't. #trueblood
@Messoteric like that!
@futuredirected aww thanks! And look god loves me!
A #sss shootout 2 @fbotu -celebrating comics & the many joys of being gay fanboys Plus sexy fanboy of the month!
I've always wanted to say "Google It" 2 a large audience in just this voice. Did it yesterday on a radio show! #fb
I love how the #Twittelator #iPhone app actually had a menu item pop up, "Explain #gaypornography !"
The wrong kind of homo.
I love you Language Log!
Always loved ths super campy Plato-as-gay-Jesus painting. Dig those lanky eromenoi! Using as iPad wallpaper now.
 My IT cat has gone on strike.
Check out this old pic of Rod & I & friends at my parents place during mardi gras.
@leewaters check out this old pic of me, mr. Homophobe & friends. Mardi Gras

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Harrison Brace

San Francisco, CA

Former comparative literature PhD candidate at Stanford now doing software development


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