is getting ready to hit the side of the pot #fb
is drinking green tea at office #fb
dinner: 傳說中的鮑汁蒜香雞 #fb
dinner: egg & tomato #fb
lunch box for tomorrow... #fb
waiting for 傳說中的鮑汁蒜香雞
is eating self made lunch box at office #fb
一撞就 hang 的電梯? #fb
the moon ate the sun then the clouds ate them both ;p
likes his desk at the new work place #fb
is in the middle of the ocean again #fb
note to all the roaches out there, it doesn't end well when you try to enter my domain!!!
勿當奴 #fb
is on a boat
just saw an old but familiar logo on his screen... old memories started to flush in... #fb
is enjoying a big breakfast yum cha style #fb
it is full moon tonight #fb
旺 角 鬧 市 再 發 生 有 人 從 高 空 投 擲 懷 疑 腐 蝕 性 液 體
wonders what a bone is doing inside a sausage... why is it there and how it got there?  #fb
@ 民主女神 #fb
@ 平反六四 支持維權 #fb
is addicted to these... #fb
is addicted to these...
is drinking a nice cup of tea #fb

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William Li

iPhone: 22.307549,114.190326

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