我正在听 ♬ 'moon on the water 水月 ' - Dead J ♪ #nowplaying
我正在听 ♬ '潘多拉 - Pandora' - 姜昕 - Jiang Xin ♪   #nowplaying
我正在听 ♬ '达尔文 - Darwin' - 蔡健雅 - Tanya ♪ #nowplaying on the wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT ♥
我正在听 ♬ 'Soldier' - 跳房子 - Hopscotch w/ 田原 - Tian Yua
 ♪ #nowplaying, wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ 'Pudong New District' - The Shanghai Restoration Project ♪ #nowplaying
Never again to Atlanta on #Continental
Je suis à l'écoute ♬ 'Psychedelices' - Alizee ♪ #nowplaying. Êtes-vous en accordant une attention?
我正在听 ♬ 'Bye Bye Disco' - 新裤子 - New Pants ♪ #nowplaying 北京音乐 on the wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '万户的47枚火 47 Rockets for WanHu' - WHITE ♪ #nowplaying 北京音乐 on wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '空城 Empty City' - 王菲 - Faye Wong ♪ #nowplaying 北京音乐 on the wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '晚安北京 - Goodnight Beijing' - 反光镜 - Reflector ♪ #nowplaying, wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '盛开 - Bloom' - 痛苦的信仰 - Miserable Faith ♪ #nowplaying 北京音乐 on wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '他们 - Them' - P.K.14 ♪ #nowplaying 北京音乐 all week on the wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
北京音乐 ♬ '一塊紅布 - Piece of Red Cloth' - 崔健 - Cui Jian ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
Back to the Jing! ♬ '我爱北京天安门 - I Love Beijing Tiananmen' -  ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '摩登爱 - Modern Love' - 玩笑 - Joke ♪ #nowplaying 我回中国来!#Cpop
Catch the #Jpop wave ♬ 'Sunset Beach' - Dragon Ash ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
Jpop♬ 肉食系男子のススメ Advice for Men - ケツメイシ - Ketsumeishi ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
All #Jpop ♬ 'Keep Tryin' - 宇多田光 - Utada Hikaru ♪  #nowplaying on the wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
It's all about the #Jpop ♬ 'FREAKY' - 倖田來未 - Koda Kumi ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
♬ 'Love Me After 12AM' - m-flo loves Alex(CLAZZIQUAI PROJECT) ♪ #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
♬ 'アフターダーク After Dark' - ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION ♪  #nowplaying wloglobal YouTube channel http://bit.ly/jMGdT
Kicking off #J-Pop w/CAN'T SLEEP,CAN'T EAT,I'M SICK - Namie Amuro #nowplaying wloglobalYouTube http://bit.ly/jMGdT
我正在听 ♬ '幸福的翅膀 - Wings of Happiness' - 庭竹 - Jasmine Tíng Zhú  #nowplaying ♪

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