Here's my 12 year old step brother. He's sleeping. ^-^ PERRY THE PLATYPUS HAT!! :DD
You guise it's wainin. :3 and I'm tired of being in the van for ten fucking hours. >_> <_<
*just fucking dies at the pedo look on his face* XDD
#NowPlaying. <3 the only thing that our hearts are made of are the acts of forgiveness&love
When is he going to get I don't want to talk to him? -_-
Um.... ._.
My 17 year old cousin got her first tattoo. It's on her hipbone.
@thatunfguy nu uh. ._.
(this one) *giggles moving them fast but gentle over your chest*

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Kristen Stewart

~listening to mcr~

my heart is like a cd: if it gets scratched and dammaged it eventully stops working


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