@hisabiza english :) Geen hele bekende series tho. Maar denk dat jij het ook wel leuk had gevonden misschien. Next time:
Op het Boekenfestijn in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Ze verkopen véél boeken, mega cheap! Zie mensen vertrekken met trolleys.
De 'K.' staat dus gewoon voor 'Kok'... #censuur #fail?!
#photography #blackandwhite
Don't know where my friends bought it, but they got me the perfect geeky gift for a girlgamer <3
The end of an era! #MSc :D
Hide the flag @Fonkelpimp ! #stratego #ppvsvv
 Pixel Pirates FTW #live #stratego
Wow, spell check just corrected me on 'Pokémon'. That's surprisingly cool of you MS Word 2007.
iPhone charger gave up the ghost. Coincidentally 2yr subscription ends this month. With batt at 19% I'm forced to decide
What the hell did I get myself in to... So many wires, and they all need to be soldered, no room for error - argh!
Ad for 'Radio Decibel'. Wonder if the picture is supposed to be funny. If not: lol
First blood. Mosquitos - Xandra 0-1. Spring just officially started.
'Taal is zeg maar echt mijn ding' lezen & LOL'en
Wonder what someone coming down here to throw out the old paper will think.. I'd love to see their reaction
I'm going to miss your ugly face.. Sayonara Daruma Dan!
Bayonetta fanscribble - Who let the dog out? :P
Creative Masterminds @ work! @Arjen_J @davidvnm @titanicoctopus @_Raph @Fonkelpimp @jasperhartong #dreamteam
Hey little fella, what tree did you fall from?
Yeah you know what's up
Look at my face
And to refer to a website in a connection error message... OOH you're really pushing it!
The cover of Elle. Wow

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Xandra van Wijk

Delft, the Netherlands

Singaporean/Dutch, Industrial design student (design for interaction), ex-Osakajin, gamer, photographer, art & tech lover, night owl

web flavors.me/xandra


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