@paparatti >_>
@tstymrshmallow @wo0tyw00 Blanketcat chaser.
.@dai_mao has discovered a blanket pedestal.
Beef noodle soup. Might not pass @mmmyoso 's standard but it has knife cut noodles and is hot.
I seem to have accidentally entered the fobbiest restaurant in town.
Monday staff meeting.
Working from home today, here's the view from my office window.
.@rah_rah Not to mock your need, but I haz a soil bin.
Borders, literally a shell of its former self.
@xboxsupport just downloaded the latest update, now this happens (pictured). What would you recommend?
New raised garden bed is new.
This is @dai_mao's preferred hang-out position.
@paparatti >_>
Tonight, dear friends, we dine like KINGS.
Reminds me of the hotel level in L4D2.
Can't tell if @dai_mao is sitting on my lap, or in the path of the vornado. *futurama fry squint*
Driveway mulch, day 2.
I accidentally a pile of mulch this morning.
Lakefront IPA. Hello Wisconsin.
Today's hops harvest.
Such is the quality of queueing at costco.
:-O So....we meet again.
Walking carefully today because I'm carrying these.

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