So @DLoesch is promoting the wonderful @keltecweapons PMR30, but I think she's stealing my copy :) #DailyDana
@MushKat @shopkins776
@MushKat @Phibear94 You could always ask Louise.
@Socialismkills @Jami_USA @CBSNews Les Grossman can tell you why.
Here is that idiocy from Whoopi on @TheView.  "Kids separated from parents because they're Muslim, Mexican, & black" @JedediahBila
I'm watching the special "Weiner" & the scene where the nudies leak is incredibly awkward.
When someone asks me for advice, 90% of the time, this is what I tell them.  It works in almost all situations.
From "Foxy Brown"  This is too funny not to share.
I have no idea why this hasn't popped up earlier, so I made it.
This is why I no longer watch @TheFive.  Juan Williams will outright lie on camera. #TheFive
@DLoesch Here is Hillary saying the same thing
Here's #Hillary saying "I'm going to put them in jail."  #Trump @AJDelgado13
Hillary with the headlights on.
This is why I stopped watching @TheFive. Juan Williams has no trouble outright lying & I’m not going to watch him for an hour a day #TheFive
This was pure, quick witted genius. @KennedyNation plays “The Media” while Williams plays “Trump” @TheFive #TheFive
‪.@BillSchulz‬ Still have a bunch on my tivo.  Pinch lives!
@MushKat Someone needs a hug.
Dude is filming the attack at Istanbul & he can’t resist filming a girl’s ass. @megynkelly
You would have thought her having a child clued her mom into knowing she had sex, but she didn’t think her mom knew
@DLoesch It’s not easy making a bun look good.  #DailyDana
There’s a reason why @JoNosuchinsky is my favorite. @RedEyeFNC #RedEye

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