15 Aug 2012 09:29


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posted by gogreen3iii 20 Aug 2012 12:57

sex addiction is real. however, there is no real clear cause of it clinically. there are many leading theories but that is the problem, there is no clear cut definition for its explanation. sex addiction is medically known as hypersexuality and defined in psychiatric diagnosis as distress about a pattern of repeated sexual relationships involving a succession of lovers who are experienced by the individual only as things to be used. Other than the obvious reasons for emotional acceptance and/or gratification, theories range from bi-polar disorder, medication side effects, autism, biochemical issues in the brain, hormonal changes, alchohol, methamphetamines, impulsiveness, compulsivness, dementia, and OCD to name a few. then there are just some of us who love sex, so go figure.

posted by Douglas farlow 16 Aug 2012 01:06

my opiopeion is that sex is good if a woman wears silk binki panties red or pink that is hot and .I would love to see you in pink or red silk binki panties please .I would do any thing to get your silk panties

posted by Nookies 15 Aug 2012 19:29

Nothing is a problem unless it interferes with everyday life. It's ok to do hard drugs for instance..as long as its in moderation. If it comes to the point you're buying drugs before paying your bills, putting food on your table for your family,etc then its a problem. Unless you literally have to get up and go whack off 5 times while working..its not a problem, this girl just loves the attention and cock. Huge difference between her and a sex addiction that fucks your life up.

posted by ja.marley 15 Aug 2012 16:11

made love not war Smilie

posted by Trouser Trouble 15 Aug 2012 14:29

OK, here's a small example of someone who may be little addicted to sex (or porn anyway). I am at work (I work alone) and I should be doing my accounts, etc. today. But what am I doing? Yes, looking at Twitter porn and then I will probably masturbate for an hour to porn. So is this an addiction if I do it 2 or 3 times a week? Maybe it is. In my case it doesn't actually adversely affect my home life because I keep it very separate - actually it probably encourages me to be more sexual with my wife - but some may argue that it has taken over a part of my life that it should not have. And I guess some people may have the same problem but perhaps less under control so it does affect their ability to earn a living, etc. So yes, I think it is possible to be addicted to sex or porn or pretty well anything but it only becomes a problem if it stops you facing life responsibilities. Otherwise, why does it matter? It doesn't.

posted by Trouser Trouble 15 Aug 2012 13:38

OK, here's a small example of someone who may be little addicted to sex (or porn anyway). I am at work (I work alone) and I should be doing my accounts, etc. today. But what am I doing? Yes, looking at Twitter porn and then I will probably masturbate for an hour to porn. So is this an addiction if I do it 2 or 3 times a week? Maybe it is. In my case it doesn't actually adversely affect my home life because I keep it very separate - actually it probably encourages me to be more sexual with my wife - but some may argue that it has taken over a part of my life that it should not have. And I guess some people may have the same problem but perhaps less under control so it does affect their ability to earn a living, etc. So yes, I think it is possible to be addicted to sex or porn or pretty well anything but it only becomes a problem if it stops you facing life responsibilities. Otherwise, why does it matter? It doesn't.

posted by Trouser Trouble 15 Aug 2012 12:13

OK, here's a small example of someone who may be little addicted to sex (or porn anyway). I am at work (I work alone) and I should be doing my accounts, etc. today. But what am I doing? Yes, looking at Twitter porn and then I will probably masturbate for an hour to porn. So is this an addiction if I do it 2 or 3 times a week? Maybe it is. In my case it doesn't actually adversely affect my home life because I keep it very separate - actually it probably encourages me to be more sexual with my wife - but some may argue that it has taken over a part of my life that it should not have. And I guess some people may have the same problem but perhaps less under control so it does affect their ability to earn a living, etc. So yes, I think it is possible to be addicted to sex or porn or pretty well anything but it only becomes a problem if it stops you facing life responsibilities. Otherwise, why does it matter? It doesn't.

posted by Michael G 15 Aug 2012 10:13

you do realize people can get addicted to anything right? Sex addicts are usually well off people with alot of power-- be it wealth, social status, easy access to men/women. Have too much power and that ish will inevitably corrupt you if you can't balance your other responsibilities with this habit. You can easily develop a physiological dependence from this too and that can mess with your mental states big time to the point that you can no longer connect with people normally and just see them as potential or non-potential sex objects.

It does seem like the toughest addiction to relate to though, since the lot of us are generally lacking in the general awesomenes that these folks have.

In conclusion, titties.

posted by Sebas 15 Aug 2012 10:10

I think everything in excess is detrimental to your health. You might overly enjoy sex and want to have it often, and there is nothing bad in that. BUT there might be people that will do anything to have sex, spend money on prostitutes, maybe rape, and probably something else that I cant think of. Anything that has such an overwhelming control over your actions is a bath thing (In my opinion ofcourse)

posted by Dmtri Jacobsen 15 Aug 2012 09:57

I had a friend go to rehab for sex addiction just this year. It is a real thing and it is something that he struggles with a lot. There is a treatment center in Wickenburg that deals a lot with sex addiction. It ruins a lot of families. I think you just enjoy sex though.. ha

posted by Sebastian Abarzua 15 Aug 2012 09:41

Britney Maclin is very strange but there is real addicts who have to masturbate for hours and has many addicts ay tb proglemas pornography and gambling

posted by Brad Johnson 15 Aug 2012 09:37

sex addiction no way is bad.. if I could, id have it whenever and wherever I could

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Britney Maclin

Scottsdale, AZ

Starting a new chapter in my life

for the cover of Australian penthouse (September) in wearing a bikini made by @maneaterswim (: love it!!! Video just a following video to my first one I posted
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