That's the beaut right there. Asking 14k. #KindleTouch
Right. Just a quart or 2 of oil and we're good to go. Now, where's that dipstick?
That's the badge of the tuned ride. They do good work..I'll tell you that for free
Who owns this beast? Matt Black Custom tuned X6.
Winner takes all. Congrats #TeamV&V
These lads will finance tonights drinks if they play right. #Teamv
#TeamBlue. Easy on the eyes no? Don't be fooled. They be deadly with a foosball handle #foosball
We have Thika, Nyeri and Meru in the house! #CentralRegionKnockouts
The regional teams are already warming up..#TeamHeineken
@SalomeOnyonka Here's a #foosball table. When in Nairobi, I'll happily school you
Tables all setup. Bring your A+ game to BOB'S. If you bring less, humble pie will be served #TeamHeineken
Psst! This photo will self-destruct in 3..2..1 @inexes @thedorc @magaribina @carolkmail
Me: Phone! Let's take an artistic photo
Phone: Ok cool! *click* check it out!
@crazynairobian and I. In green #TeamHeineken
Designated Mbalass Catwalk. Probably the only one in Nairobi.
@thedorc @inexes @carolkmail @junganga @magaribina Well then, here's proof.
I'll need to form a team. So, if you have octopus like arms and sneaky reflexes, holla! #TeamHeiniken
Behold! The pen generates a 'Beer Signal' that informs your waiter a refill is required #TeamHeineken
Seemingly innocuous standard writing implement right? Do not be deceived. #TeamHeineken
Go home camera. You're inebirated.
The battlefield. For glory! For honor! Well...that pretty noble too #TeamHeineken #UCL
These ones? Yeah. Still there. @Sabzeero #Kindles
And there you have it: Glutten free bread. Tastes pretty good too without yeast, sugar or flour.
The old 'switch a fresh egg for a boiled one' trick. Well played wifey. Well played.

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Sam Buggz


MTech Enthusiast, Champion mosquito swatter and fly slayer. Allergic to roses



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