Fruit cakes can be rather cliche. Not the one @ItsGithush makes though. Simply beautiful pieces.
My pal @ItsGithush is multi-talented. I can now add 'Baking Goddess' to her list of accolades
Meanwhile, in the staff parking lot...
Shaq and Hoopz: the first documented case where chap had a chick go up on him.
This rat BASTARD @chriskaranja just had this delivered to his desk..I may need to pull a quick stunt
Lots of Joy at Fanaka home, thanks to @jusblackman and @saramitaru 's who've donated a washing machine.
Seen a chap with a Placard reading: GOR (G)or Mahia (O)bama (R)aila 'Jatelo'. Electric atmosphere
Let's get this baby off the ground..
In solidarity with the sisterhood #NoBraDay #CupTheMoobs
A bright chap has fitted an attachment to his motorbike that converts it into a water pump. #Brilliant
National oil have a complete fuel station built in a 40 foot container. Includes 25k storage. 16M.
Told y'all there were hotpants on stage
And he's done. Not bad. Not bad at all...#MaosFirstTatoo #MurphysFlawTurns5
This, apparently, is sexy sperm tattoo. The arm belongs to Mao of X-FM fame
And the sink is carved from a single piece of wood. No splinters either
The toilet seat is actually made from driftwood. Very comfy I must add
The bathtub is concrete..never seen one of these before
The kitchen. Or the kitchenette. Very functional.
The loft. There's wood that went into building this that came from tree branches on the grounds
Here's the fireplace spot. It's a ceramic pot thing that's pretty awesome
So this is the outside. It's not a big house but it's totally brilliant inside
Remember that library I was talking about a few weeks back? It's still running! #KiddieLibrary
Mile high club facilities. What? A brother can dream. #B787Dreamliner
Captain Joshi who manned the flight called it a dream. Very appropriate. #B787Dreamliner

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Sam Buggz


MTech Enthusiast, Champion mosquito swatter and fly slayer. Allergic to roses



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