It's grown into a real Weihnachtsmarkt. I'm impressed.
Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Look what arrived! Chow Chop Suey by @annemendelson
Rubberized magnets on oven doors: BAD IDEA
Why do we own this, and why are we singing cotton-eyed Joe while pumping it? #DalekGeo
What could this be in my entrance? #LIWho
Rest for the wicked.
Peel boiling down to the “watch me carefully, reduce heat and stir often” stage.
The mixer has once again done it's job: beating the eggs for the Springerle.
Wondering how these made it even to a test market (and the 11-year-old agrees: “these are not good”)
@gastropoda @annemendelson Our hosts' fanged friends were caught in the bleu.
Perfect thanksgiving dessert?
The pie!
Cranberries for sauce. Using the same recipe from Cooks Illustrated for 20 years. (Orange variation, mostly.)
After the owner's very public anti-fascist statement, how could I resist stocking up at @PenzeysSpices any longer?
The faucet's really quite easy to use, he says.
The apprentice has become the master. #LIWho
Paul goes rogue early in his #LIWho panel, bringing up Daphne Ashbrook in Star Trek.
Better than a *two*-faced man, I guess. #LIWho
Getting some work done, listening to the always interesting missing panels speculation at #LIWho
Twins. OF EVIL. #LIWho
Robert and his Dalek at #LIWho
.@Bozoskeleton discusses the #aBobInation in the meetup room at #LIWho
A cyber man and Leela walk into a bar …

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Amateur baker, organic gardener, professional web/database programmer, GEEK.



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