New addition - soon, y'all will get to name the monkey! 07.04.09
Mattress Mack's line desk arrives at Gallery Furniture - 07.04.09
Waterfalls operational at Gallery Furniture - 07.04.09
Salesperson Romana - my cohort in shenanigans, strikes a smile.
Demolition shots of the old Gallery Furniture warehouse, continued
Demolition of the old warehouse takes some heavy equipment!
Demolition work at Gallery Furniture's old warehouse!
Demolition work at Gallery Furniture's old warehouse starts
Area bounding fence going up at Gallery Furniture!
Parking lot progress at Gallery Furniture
Clearing out the areas closest to fire - Phase II Underway at Gallery Furniture.
Working on  the grand tower at Gallery Furniture!  No fire keeps us down!
Phase II Gallery Furniture work - clearing areas out!
Rapid tile work at Gallery Furniture original location!
The famous Gallery Furniture Trojan Horse being reworked!
That's some heavy greenery coming in to Gallery Furniture!
Bringing in some greenery to Gallery Furniture! #rebuildgalleryfurniture
Drop Plastic covers the healing wounds at Gallery Furniture
The section closest to the fire is cleared out.
Phase II Gallery Furniture work has been underway!
Watrerfall wall work - Elvis in the Background!
Waterfall walls getting finished at Gallery Furniture!
Old Warehouse demolition begins at Gallery Furniture - rebuild! 07.04.09
My gorgeous Hooters Girl at Willowbrook, holding my Hooters Passport!

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Gil Velasquez

Houston, TX

Marketing, social media, and advertising executive, furniture industry.

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