Lunch yesterday at the Rubens at the Palace after the Queen's Gallery and Royal Mews. Mmm cider. #London
@Anniemole Sorry; sorry. 68 degrees in Chicago, no coat. Mystery object IDed as "the Sun." #view #notamissile
Duh. Picture. 3.14159265 #halloween #costume
Happy Halloween - we're all dressed up at the office. PS I am OLD!
@scottagunn Sang this today at @StNickEpiscopal and thought of you!
Last errand. Pharmacy. The buttons say "Send. Help." #myexcitinglife
At the dentist. He does great work, Dr Salzberg is the best! Also, Happy Halloween. #myexcitinglife
Getting vehicle emission check. #myexcitinglife
WTF? There's no #onenation rally near Chicago? This is wrong and bad.
.@grantimahara A day without 'splosions is a day without sunshine. #couldbeworse #sadmonkey #thatsnotmonkeychow
. @JoeFlanigan Drinking tea while cat is on laptop. #mostboringtweets #thinkImcomingdownwithsomething
Movie and a Dinner at Lucky Monk. If I cant be with the cool kids at #pax & #dragoncon, ok by me!
@dhewlett Welcome to Chicago! Hope you get a chance to look around while in town.
Foreground: WWII Memorial. Vietnam & Korea Memorials: out of sight, not out of mind. Honor: tarnished by torture.
The other famous speech associated with the Lincoln Memorial; no pressure.
@glennbeck O HAI CAN SEE YOU THERE LITTLE MANS get off mai steps kthxbai
At Bonefish Grill, everything goes with #bacon! Even yellowtail hamachi, apparently.
@ColonelTribune Beware fresh concrete on Golf in Rolling Meadows or you'll end up like this poor man.
@markos Why does the dKos Google Reader feed have ads for Please make it stop
My gd camera borked; shipping 4 repair. Took Chicago architecture boat tour Friday with only iPhone camera.
World's shortest bike ride: heard tube pop on way to bike path with  @fallingrock and  @SteveLevinthal #fb
Great times at Beacon Tap singing along with Jim&Tim   #fb
@dceiver Right after I TOP KILL the shit outta this iced hazelnut venti latte.
Hoping for better weather for Mothers Day tomorrow, but got plants, added compost, laid landscape paper in rain today. #fb

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Ginny Baker Gibbs

iPhone: 42.041161,-88.112450

SABRE2th Tigress, travel deranger, alto.



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