Somehow I don't think @SenatorKirk will like my answers to his surveys.
So #Cuba happened. I just bought a song off this kid, for freedom and jams.
This isn't funny, #UndercoverCop
@RelUnrelated Ponch would think about changing outfits, prolly.
Anyway, the Harvest Fair at #StNicholasEpiscopal continues tomorrow...
Here's Barbie Make-Up Head and her friend, Ebola Nurse. #Halloween#TrickorTreaters
Dusk is coming. Light the lanterns to keek the scary creatures away. #TrickorTreaters  #Halloween
New superhero, the Canadian Parliamentary Sergeant-at-Arms, makes @clarkgregg and the #Avengers nervous.
New superhero, the Canadian Parliamentary Sergeant-at-Arms, makes @clarkgregg and the #Avengers nervous.
We'll go to dinner in a while. That candy better be gone when we get back! #Halloween #TrickorTreaters
Hubby home. He's not a #TrickorTreaters guy.
Moved the bait station. Top-tier candy here! Kit-Kats! Hershey's! @xenijardin
Customers! Jeez, they had to be reminded to say "Trick or treat!" Kids these days. #TrickorTreaters #Halloween
Sad little bowl of candy, no takers yet. At dusk it will have blinky lights on under the "ghost"
Alien family car decals just as annoying as human ones. Larva on board, apparently. ;) #Halloween #childfree
About to get physical therapy for the nerve pinch. Instruments of torture! Insurance forms! FLEE!
It's normal to see sports jerseys at @StNickEpiscopal but this cheerleader was supastella.
Earlier today we had the Pet Blessing at @StNickEpiscopal and there was much barking and twittering.
I miss Riley... so I tend to go all goopy for cats right now. It takes time.
But @Pocket has apostrophes in its @Guardian headlines, it's not rocket science. Some of the same headlines, too!
Also, @Feedly removes apostrophes from the @Guardian's headlines inconsistently. It's not its fault?   #ApostropheDay
Dear @guardianstyle, Feedly is removing your apostrophes from headlines in its app. It's app-palling! #ApostropheDay
Lotta beer drinking. I want a beer.  #AgentsofSHIELD
Unlike @MrJamesMay, I'm having only 355mL. Pairs well with bikes, coolers, and ice packs. #FatTireAle

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Ginny Baker Gibbs

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SABRE2th Tigress, travel deranger, alto.



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