Watching last weekend's #ALMS race at Long Beach. Good stuff.
@cryanken it's official, you're evil...
@cryanken ✒
Joining wife in bed, watching dvr of #F1 later. Bunch of F1 crap trending, WTH....?
@DorkyDino could it be?
*casts Speed Time
@DorkyDino Reminds me of this stuff when it was first squeezed from tube. Darker & more combined colors than image.
to the dentist with the wee critters...
@CaptainApples Militarily imposing American values around world is offensive in principle & from budget standpoint.
Use 3rd party #Twitter apps. 1st time seeing a promoted spam tweet. Guess I need to block @GeneralTire & turn off 'suggestions similar to' emails.
Grabbing some food after shopping (four days post-op). I'm prob going to choke to death or something. LOL
Excited to received liquids, I've been without for 40 hrs. Excitement diminishes when I find swallowing a bit painy.
Going home later after yesterday's hernia/Nissen repair. Thanks to @cryanken for her support and as always her love.
*shakes head
#DrawSomething #Ferrari
4-yr-old just 'shot' me with a block 'gun'. Guess I need to expel him from home & seek counseling for my 'trauma'...
@CaptainApples Pinky Tuscadero
@CaptainApples *geeking out
'The euphoria of engaging xenomorphs as a Colonial Marine'
Oh come on....

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