This bread immediately made @maddcracker1982 think of @ImFknMsAmerica.
Skylar's first couch fort. I'm a great mom.
. @ImFknMsAmerica @WHATitsnormal
Such brothers. @maddcracker1982 @DJPhillyNY
@ImFknMsAmerica @WHATitsnormal Talking about Skylar isn't a diva when she walks up to me at Chuck E. Cheese with this.
@gbiiird That person is you.
Who knew Chuck E. Cheese was prepared for a visit from @drabtshirt? #ontap
Quite possibly the best ordered tweets all day, @itrevormoore and @maddcracker1982
@Tjuggzzzz What THIS broke girl drinks.
This is how @maddcracker1982 and @DJPhillyNY spend their evening. I like the child's ski cap and sunburn look.
I laughed out loud cause I am a rube. #yourmom
Well, this is just unacceptable, @maddcracker1982.
The straws that punctured @SAHartwell's nasal cavity.
An offering, to @BeerandPig in honor of my passing friend Aubrey: a pork shoulder with cherry cola and awesome. #RIP
The Woodchucks did @LilMissCloe in...  #BeerAndPigout
Like I said: @GrandSlamBBQ makes rainbows and happiness. #BeerAndPigout #TimeForSwine
#BeerAndPigout Best Day Ever. @BeerandPig
That's happening.  #BeerAndPigout @SvenLloyd @DickSmokehand @shirtlessrican
Ohh @BlackoutBruce. And @LobsterRedFace looks double jointed.
#RIP Aubrey Coker, aka Young Breezy, aka Africa, aka Sleep. You are one of the best friends I ever had.
Did anyone even know these still existed? #college #overadecade
This is happening in the sky outside my apt... A storm about 45 min away.
@maddcracker1982 Our daughter even makes friends on the side of the highway.
I'm kinda awesome.

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Heather H.

a time-traveling phonebooth.

Proud Horde Member. Blonde pretending she's a redhead. Smart and unmotivated. Not that interesting.



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