I’m loving the ☀️ weather outside! But be careful not only during summer you should protect your skin with sun protection! In the winter your skin is still exposed to UV light 😎 So don't forget the sunscreen before you walk out the door. We use 15 or 30 from @visionzon What about you? #keizermeppelink #vision #sunprotection #sunnydays☀️ #sponsored
12 Oct 2018 12:51

I’m loving the ☀️ weather outside! But be careful not only during summer you should protect your skin with sun protection! In the winter your skin is still exposed to UV light 😎 So don't forget the sunscreen before you walk out the door. We use 15 or 30 from What about you? #keizermeppelink #vision #sunprotection #sunnydays☀️ #sponsored 

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Step ups #workoutwednesday ➡️ swipe to the right to see the progression in the exercise 💪 
Great exercise to train your 🍑😉#keizermeppelink #gymtime #fitness #exercise #stepup I’m loving the ☀️ weather outside! But be careful not only during summer you should protect your skin with sun protection! In the winter your skin is still exposed to UV light 😎 So don't forget the sunscreen before you walk out the door. We use 15 or 30 from @visionzon What about you? #keizermeppelink #vision #sunprotection #sunnydays☀️ #sponsored What I have been up to the last two weeks? Driving the distance of 8 times my own country from top to bottom.. 😅🛣 Wow what is 🇺🇸 a big country with amazing nature! 😍We made some great hikes in the national parks. Start point Vegas ➡️ End point San Francisco 🌁 In between: Sequoia, Yosemite and Lake Tahoe! #offseason #vacation #usa #roadtrip #california #nevada
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