Malaysian commercial jet downed in the Gulf of Tonkin. 
President Johnson declares war on Vietnam.
Oh boy...... NOT AGAIN!!!!
As you can see it's 1/1/14 and I'm still here. I'm here till we win or I'll be the last to turn the lights off. God Bless America.
 - N.P.Contompasis
Our poor dog has mental problems
I still love Rollergirl.
The Ruling Class
Have you noticed that the ruling class (the lawyers that run our government) get very jealous of commoners who attempt to acquire more power and money than they through entrepreneuria
Six Degrees of Obama

Nicholas Contompasis 

It’s been twenty-one months and the über-rich along with most of America who supported the campaign and policies of Barack Obama have finally awoken from t

I’m amazed that the Liberal politicians in our country have missed the obvious when it comes to trashing fast food owners for their conservative ways or have they? CEO Dan Ca
The dry hot wind kept blowing, as my skin was now turning to leather after seven days of scorching sun and piercing winds. The reddish desert dust had now covered my entire body, penetrating my eyes,
In Defense of Michelle Malkin 
“I’m a real reporter not some blogger out there in cyberspace” says Juan Williams to Michelle Malkin last night on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel Show. 
Listen up Juan.
If I could vote in November I would rather not vote for Barack Obama.
I wish him well in his future endeavors and good health for his beautiful family. - J.B.K.O.
If I could vote in November I unfortunately would regretfully decline my vote for President Barack Obama. I furthermore, would remind my fellow Americans to “Ask not what your country can do for you -
This flash of brilliance from the brain dead Harvard Business Review - "In Europe, the monumental unintended consequences of seriously flawed assumptions."

So, why don't you assholes have a serious t
So, while the impeached former President Bill Clinton is seen socializing with porn stars, President George Bush danced with a courageous wounded warrior. Yes, I do miss him and if you don't like it,
I just got back from the market stocking up on food with the last of the money from this months check. In the last four years I've gone from independent middle-class to depended welfare recipient and
You see America by Obama not contesting the article in 2004 that said he was African he was insulting Black Americans - He would rather be known as an AFRICAN than an ex-slave!!!! THINK PEOPLE THINK!!
President Romney says "Operation Smoke the Ayatollah" is a GO!!!

Breaking News - Reports that Nick attended every Secrete Service unbelievable incredible sex party are false!!!
Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that President Obama is a big dick........
Oops, he meant to say big stick......

New FDA order-Twinkies, Hostess cupcakes, snoballs & breads must be delivered in separate trucks.

This is how Obama destroys industries that
The American economy and to be more specific, the American people will not be healed from this economic fiasco till the man at the top is replaced. Don't forget Nick on Election Day
Maybe America is misreading Tim Tebow's display of public praying. Doesn't he seem to be reminding all patriotic Americans from which we came, and the foundation of our greatness? - N.P.Contompasis
America have you seen this photo ID of Obama?

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Northern California

author of the very popular blog The Left - Watch What They Do, Not What They Say -



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