Obama busted with 19 Honolulu prostitutes. Michelle files for Divorce.
You are watching this RIGHT?????
Don't forget to watch The Donald's Presidential Debate
From my family and household staff we wish you all a Merry Christmas
Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Jon Corzine bet $11.5 billion on European sovereign debt in his bid to rebuild profits at MF Global Holdings Ltd., almost twice the net amount disclosed to investors, and relied
Nick Contompasis for President
Nick Contompasis for President
Do you ever get the feeling you've been abandon on a deserted island with IDIOTS???
Jerry Sandusky payback - BITCH

It looks like Obama's the pivot-man again. How's it feel'n Mr. President!!!! What a disgrace!!!
Breaking News - Mouse Shot and Killed at Occupy Wall Street - Disneyland - Tonight
Go Herman
I ask you America - who would you rather have as First Lady Moochell or Mrs. Cain?
I know one thing - it sure wouldn't be a pizza in their mouths if Bill was throwing the party!!!!
We still love our Herman
Herman will take the works
Do You Know Who This Woman Is? - If You Don't, I Want You to Take the Time to FInd Out - She is the Martin Luther King of Cuba and Castro Just Had Her Assassinated 
My Fellow Americans,
This Herman Cain ad is about - IN YOUR FACE, POLITICALLY CORRECT LEFTIST ROBOTS. He's the breath of fresh air America has been waiting for.  
Cain continues to surge ahead of Romn
Obama mingles with Hollywood stars @Antonio Banderas(socialist extraordinaire)@Melanie Griffith fundraiser tonight.
Where in the world is Omar? "Get out of my country and I'll return your stupid teleprompter."
This is the head of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein as displayed at Occupy Wall Street. This could be your head when the MOB takes over - N.P.Contompasis
Yes Tiger - You're a piece of shit !!!
Where in the world is Omar?
Why it's Important to take Attorney General Eric Holder Down
By Nicholas Contompasis

The federal trials going on in Chicago involving former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich and political boss Wi

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Northern California

author of the very popular blog The Left - Watch What They Do, Not What They Say - http://shutking.blogspot.com/

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