Delfts muurtje 2010...
De kick-off  van de campagne 'Dementie, wat komt er bij kijken?' was een groot succes. #dementie
De eerste foto's van het project 'Dementie, wat komt er bij kijken?' zijn onthuld! #dementie
De 1e panelen van de campagne 'Dementie, wat komt er bij kijken?' zijn mooi geworden! #dementie
De 'bedden' waarop vrouwen in de kraamkliniek in Burkina bevallen zien er wel anders uit dan hier!
Met Madame Ouaga hebben we onlangs een kraamkliniek gerealiseerd in Tampelga, Burkina Faso.
When I went to Jayapura, last Tuesday, this bunch couldn't stop yelling 'Oom Nico!'
Two men talking, with the world at their fingers: former president Habibie and Nicolaas J.
This is the old Nicolaas talking with Foreign Affairs minister Marty Natalegawa.
The bay of Jayapura is actually great for waterskiing!
Looking at Kaju Pulau, the other day. Home of our family.
Loosely stack up some floors and presto, you've got a building! Why not?
Indonesian reporters taking a picture with their phone of the old Papuan as he talks to ambassador Habibie.
The old Nicolaas is talking to the press in Jakarta about his decision to move to Papua.
This morning Nicolaas Jouwe met with Indonesia's vice-president Boediono.
Working in the appartment, drinking Coca Cola Halal. Coke Halal? What's that?
Nicolaas Jouwe leafing through Meutia Hatta's book with the author, daughter of the legendary Mohammed Hatta.
Nicolaas Jouwe met with Aburizal Bakrie at Wisma Bakrie today.
The white flubber on the plate is the papeda. It tastes good with fish sauce. Could Nigella make this?
And that's what a plate of papeda actually looks like at Yougwa restaurant in Jakarta.
Leaving Jayapura for the airport I saw this rainbow, as did the businessman before me.
Here's another look at the Jayapura bay area, I had from the sky.
This is what Jayapura looked like form the sky, this morning.
President Yudhoyono now has his own 'Yes we can' statement.

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Nico Jouwe

The Netherlands

Freelance journalist.


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